tukar header. any opinion?


I am thinking of changing back to my previous header. Kenapa? maCy segan tengok muka sendiri tiap kali masuk teratak Aku, Kau & Mereka ini. haha. maCy belum cukup bright lah rasanya untuk stand di situ. And i don't really have time to make a new one unless ada yang sudi. lalala~

Its more comfortable bila dapat hide muka sendiri ;D

but somehow ada yang rasa this one is better. And i do like it too~

What do you think? Which one is better? Any opinion?

And have a look at one of my previous entry, look at what i've done here. Motif? But i still not thinking of becoming an anon lah. Don't worry :)

p/s : I hurt myself while playing hockey yesterday, again sebab kaki pernah retak dulu. i'm so afraid that i really could't play at all forever :(


Anonymous said…
i prefer yor old header, i stated this before,while most headers show their faces out, but not u,that is what i called different.
Anonymous said…
old header with new font.
Anonymous said…
bhahaha..same ler kite,ikutkan header kat blog bkn mcm yg sedia ade tapi itulah segan so gune jelah pic sasuke-kun hi3 aci tak?

*awl betul arini BW*
Keyyah said…
macy yg comeil... dh comeil r header 2...:)

dulu main hoki juga tp skrg xlg....
M a W a D D a H said…
ok jer header yg kat atas tu...sweet jer...:)

p/s: adah dah xde header...xtau nak design camner dah..huhu
faINa989 said…
yg biru ni ok je..

Lan Bingka said…
lagi ok yg sekarang. tapi kalau rasa segan, letak la gambar yg tak close-up sangat..:)
mamashikin said…
yg ke -2 la lagi cantik..rajin buat header
nanad said…
prefer header baru yg comel tu ;)
Anonymous said…
ikot suke kau lah labu..kalo ko rase nak tukar..means da ade seru lah tu..make, tukar lah dkau..haha..kot2 mane2 pon same pade aku coz aku da kenal ko..kui3..kalo nak bertambah pemes, buh muke..kalo nak jadik cam band gorillaz, tutup muke..amacam? ckup shine x idea aku?

-encik. ary-
Kay- said…
macy yayang,...

i xde header...camner tuu???`

buatkan sebijik utk i plsss~

Mr. Asada said…
asada lagi suka header yang tutup muka tu. bila tengok, orang jadi curious.. 'siapa girl ni?' 'naper dia tutup muka?' 'anehnya?!' hahaha

**agak terkejut jugak bila gambar budak menangis tu keluar kat entry birthday macy. lalala~ ;P
Anonymous said…
hahahahaaa...tuh rasa nya...

lbh kpd confident level kot, macy...ei pown memula rasa nk muntah tgk header sndiri...malu kot...cm poyo pown ada gak...tp bila tnya member2..dorg kata ok je..tuh yg biar je..ni pown..mgkin rasa nk tukar balek kot...letak muka itam puteh xnmpk sgt xP

bebel plak

eiffel xpuas ati sebab xleey online gmail!
camtaek tahu!
Padin said…
kekalkan header yg asal je maCy, identiti kan...
n@jwamz said…
This one is better dear:) So nice la dear......:)
saiful aizat said…
btw maC, ape maksud aku kau dan mereka? cerita tentang maC atau cerita saya si roti, atau cerita tentang mereka yang etc? :D
Rina Rossoneri said…
errrrrrrrrr dua2 kita suka...
yang first tu,nampak macam budak sekolah sebab macy pakai tudung putih hahaha..
yang second tu nampak matang..
Si gadis bunga said…
the new one is cute.
a step ahead.


that is my humble opinion.oh yah..my email : donquatick_ies@yahoo.com
feel free to leave ur address there dear.
current header ni nmpk matured sikit macy.. n kaler biru 2 contra dengan background.. nice! :)
aien said…
i don't know why.. but i love yg 1st tu.. sgt unik dgn pic mcm tu.. hehe..

careful with hockey ya! oh. rindu nk men bola tampar.. but dis sem kena main olahraga. sgt2 tak suke. huk3
Chaoi said…
yang second pon santek juga..yg penting tak ketap bibir..har har
Yuni Aisyah said…
yg kat ats tu cun..xyah tukar lg..:)
Anonymous said…
just choose what suits ur identity more.
ishiko said…
macy, ceria siket!!!!!!
ouh, sem lps saya men hoki jugak..
Unknown said…
betul la maCy.amat2 xselesa bila tgk pic sendiri kat header.sbb tuh echah pn dah buang pic letak barbie doll tuh.heee...tp yg mcy pn echah prefer yg previous one.hehe
HEROICzero said…
erm, 1st pon mcm okay gk. macam malu2 jek.. keh3x~
AngahSayang2314 said…
ini muka macy ke???? baru nampakkkk hehehe nice... simple header tue...suka2 tak sorok2
aLya maNip said…
alya prefer yg tutup muka.. stylo + misteri..hehe
nape delete gambar kat previous entry dear?
lau tibe2 maCy jadi annon pon alya da kenal maCy..hehehe :)
header baru yg comel mcm macy.
tk pyh ltk gmbr pon tkpe.
mcm kite, tp kite header buruk ajerrr. :P

hehehehe :D
Lovely Bella said…
header yg comey!! org nye pun same.. :)
tiafazunia said…
yg macy rasa selesa n sesuai!
tp bg tia the second one better ;)
Qib said…
wana biru nampk muker tu da lawa.. cantik

PS|Seriously, I want to…|
cik mas said…
header lama lebih sesuai dgn watak kamu dalam blog ni
platipus said…
header lama, tulisan ikut font header baru..

Noor Fatin said…
yang nampak muka la. heheh sweet
Unknown said…
bg fiq..
yg 1st tu nmpak mcm budak2 skolah...
yg 2nd tu lebih matang, meletop, diva, ratu, huhuhuhuhu..
fiq pilih num 2! :)
Unknown said…
watpe nak sorok wajah yg chumel tu hehehehe
Mario said…
dua dua pun ok je...
beautiful_rose said…
be confident macy!
tak kiralah apa pun header y macy nak guna pun,kalau macy rasa confident nak gune,tak de masalah kan.janji hati puas...
kalau tak puas hati,buat baru...tak salah kan =)
Aretikz said…
4 me kan macy, lebih suka dengan tutup muka tu.. suasana blog mcm misteri dengan penutupan muka.. cewah.. haha.. tp.. memang sya lg suka tgk header 1st berbanding sekrang ^_^ Adakah sebab saya lelaki yg suka tgk pempuan misteri? jeng3x~ haha..
Hidayati Farhan said…
sis suka yg baru. awk comelll. hehehe

take care taw. jgn men ganas2 sgt
Nur Qistina said…
yang tutup muka nampak comey..=)
akubiomed said…
Kenapa perlu berselindung seolah-olah tidak ada keyakinan diri

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