Don't You Remember? + mahu stop blogging~

You and me? Talked on the phone for hours, never lost of ideas to talk about. You were my best company, no matter whether my days were gloomy or I was in a great mood. You were the best story teller, you were the best listener.
You were the greatest person I ever knew. We got close within a week, we found that we both were on the same boat. We always had the same idea, we always and always thought of everything the same way.
I honestly couldn't forget. The time we spent together, all the memories we made. All the laughter and fun we shared. Don't you remember, all the nights we both counting the stars? You were always my sun, and you always said that I was always the brightest star in the night.
Don't you remember?

Why do I blog?
I started blogging for no reason. Then, honestly, I actively blogging cz I wanted to get rid of the feeling. To make my life extra busy and to avoid myself from thinking 'bout things that annoyed me a lot. Now, I did it. I'm not sure whether people enjoys my writing or not. But still can see la sikit-sikit from the poll kat sebelah ni.. Bosan ea my blog. pasrah je la.. hihi
But, for now, I do really enjoy sharing and making new friends through blogs. But, I'm getting a lil tired and I realized that I spent too much time in front of my lappy.. Err, actualy, sejak akhir-akhir ni rasa tak semangat mahu ber'blog~
Here, I wanna say, may I stop to blog?

p/s : baru balik dari kampung, and tadi webcam dengan baby wafi, dia demam :(


Hadzwani Hasni said…
kalau mathila stop blogging, kami nak baca apa lagi? :)
Hellioz said…
everybody is having this fever

demam nak stop blogging
nasikputeh said…
saye penah rase jugak perasaan nak stop tu.
dan ia cume perasaan yang singgah sekejap. mungkin sebab letih.
Zeanne said…
huuu~~jgnlah stop:)
bukan penggoda said…
btol. skg ni musim berjangkit la. org nk stop blogging. haha. pehh. macy. bi ko mmg mantop. ni mahu ble hiro bace, jenuh dok asek nk belek kamus je. miahahahaha.
Anonymous said…
ayyoum@ adaazi mazarre!
its sooooo great bile u dtg cni :D

all :
thx 4 dropin by~ t maCy pkir2 ag :)
surayasafie said…
macy pon pk nk stop blogging?
zai zax pk cmtu
macy pon pk cmtu? pon pk cmtu jgk...
xsyiok la...
M a W a D D a H said…
macy tgh bad mood ni...nati ok la tu macy....

ceria2 selalu k... ;)
ala yang..jgn la stop blogging2 ni.. nanti dakcomot nak usik sape lagi.. xsian kat daksomot ke? (buat muka sedey)

penat balik kmpung x abes lagi kan? sebab 2 la kot malas nak blog2.. lama2 okay la 2.. (fuh..moga2 betol la ape yg aku cakap nih)
aien said…
jgn la stop.. biasalah tu rasa nk benti.. rasa malas kn.. dh tak thu nk update ape.. hehe

tak syg ke kwn2 yg slalu dtg kt blog maCy nie? kalo benti.. dh tak jmpe la.. kan??

tp terpulang la pada maCy.. takda yg boleh pksa.. ikut kta hati ya! ^__^
iemaZAIMAH said…
tp kn macy...klu nk stop blogging kn..tkut nnt bosan..sbb kite dh terbiasa spare time for blog..isn't it?
terokai seni said…
aaa besa la bila tahap beku tiba, kita rasa bosan gila sebab buat keja rutin... rehatkan minda pikir positif dan kembali blogging untuk mengasah bakat (cewah, dengo cakap konselor nih)
nIsYa said…
my sweet macy...

jangan laa...

zai said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
zai said…
u got this virus frm me ehh ?

kalau u stop blogging, i 'll lost one of my greatest best friends even u younger thn me MaCY!! hee

just take a deep rest cuz sumtimes (not somtimes but always) i will think bout the same things (mcm dlm my previous entry kan )

tgk, ramai sgt kamo macy, takyah la diam trus blogging just take a rest for awhile then nnt bila dh ok, bru laa active (whut i should i suppose to do )
Mr. Asada said…
ala.. xyah la stop.. hampa follower yg 496 orang tu. lom termasuk silent reader lagi..

mereka semua menantikan penulisan dari macy..

**mungkin orang tu xkan lupa. tp berusaha utk tidak memikirkannya~
lumut said…
Reason aku blogging jgk mcm kau..mahu busykan diri..wanna bring myself out from the shit circle...suatu ktika dulu blog jd tmpt utk aku meliahkn..Dan dr blog aku realize...bkn aku sorg saja yg sedih n diberi lain pon same..aku sume bce blog org lain jugak mse tu..sbb blog bg aku sgt dekt dgn reality life kite..

Saban hari aki menangis sambil menulis Dan kemudian rmai tgn cube utk trik aku bgn dgn bg komen2 suruh aku move on....ak rse kau sndri dpt tke apakah kngn silam yg selalu Tarik kaki ak kembAli jtuh..

Sudah hampir setahun aku rawat dia seolah da x nak sembuh...aku pon pnh rse nk tutp blog since aku Menulis dah x lg utk sape tau kadang2 tulisan kte tu boleh bg smgt jugak kt org lain...

Lelaki seolah kamu dlu ramai yg kejam.stuju?

Kbanyakan Pe yg aku cter kt blog aku sume pasl aku.cume. Kdg2 ak s
ckp itu hnya cter rekaan aku...sekadar utk mengaburi mata org lAin...sdgkn aku menulis mmg utk buAng aper yg trpendam....
lumut said…
sori byk typing error...
Anonymous said…
musim =)
bspotgurl said…
babe, just take it easy okay
Pacifist said…
salam ziarah dik macy selaku bakal guru ke ni nak benti berblog?nanti kang rindu plak kat kami di komuniti blog ni...i'm always support u.keep on rollin'.fight for our brother right in palestin and the whole world.may Allah bless us all
Eras Sera said…
No way, tapi kalau nak stop gak. Kasi pw kat saya :D
Ieqa Swetluv said…
ika pon now ni x de mud.. tp selagi kite enjoy blogging, kita akan hepi.. cuma pucuk pangkal pd dri kita nk teru mengadap depan lappy atau sebaliknya.. kne pandai2 bhgi masa la =)
Mr. Asada said…
wohoho~ jangan masukkan penantian 20 minit tu sbg alasan utk stop blogging ea!
Anonymous said…
oit asada. 2jam ok??? 20 minit~ huh ;p
Liefde Ain said…
pelik pelik pelikk! skrg ni mmg zaman org nak closed acc blog eyy? kenape ekk? sume org nak stop blogging. abehh sape yg nak teruskan berblogging?!! cepat! cakappppppppp!! aduh! teremo laakkk. :(
tot tot kecik said…

if u stop blogging..

then ilang la kwn blog tot..erm xcian kt tot ke..?
Aidi-Safuan said…
ecececece... nak suruh aidi-safuan pujuk la nih kan? tau dah~
Nekmo said…
macy xbg nek tutup blog..
tapi,macy nk tutup blog..
s h a said…
macy syg...tammola stop nape tbe2 rase nk stop ni...ade sape2 kaco macy syg sy kew...

meh wepot kt shee meh...shee babap org tu...bese dia...

skew dapat kawan ngan macy...hehe...friendship insyaAllah selama2nyew k... (^_~)
tang teng tong said…
macy npe nk stop!
lau mcy xde siyesly xsyok dah
spe nk jd idol blogger htim?waaa:(
Frodo Baggins said…
wa baca komen lumut dgn kusyuk.


stop blogging?
mmmmmmm kalau tanya kat wa

datang ke dunia blog tanpa salam
satu masa wa akan tglkan tanpa kata pamitan

... mungkin

((hei2, up up up. cheers :) ))
Anonymous said…
Anda menghidap penyakit hilang nafsu untuk berblog ... benda nie memang normal
just keep blogging ;)
~fisha~ said…
sabar2,, count to 10, cool jap,nt feel tu datang lagi~
B L O G D E T said… umpama sebahagian dari hidup kita..
faham kan ape yang dex type ni... ;D
Unknown said…
Hai maCy!After a week,ni la post pertama kamu saya baca...tiba-tiba nak berhenti blogging?wah!!!itu juga impian saya...satu masa dulu!Tak caya?saya pernah tulis kat blog saya...hehe...

Tapi after all,saya sedar...blogging ni kdg-kdg benefits gak...kpd kita dan org sekeliling kita..depends on us la...kan kita ada 2 bendera.Bendera fujur dan bendera maCy nak letak bendera apa kat blog maCy?yg terbaik letak bendera taqwa la ea..

Entah la maCy...mmg selalu kita akan rasa penat,cadangan saya jgn la stop terus..pergilah berehat sebentar~saya nk baca post2 yg saya dah terlepas!hehe..ok maCy!take care~salam~

My latest post:Bahaya suara keldai
Mama Zharfan said…
me blogwalking here...nice blog and nice header..i like!!
Macy, dri kota bharu saya dtg berkunjung. Usah beruzlah dri dunia blog sbb ia mmapu menjana pahala yg berlipat ganda jika entry kita mmapu mengajak pemabca ke arah redha Allah dan kita juga perbetulkan niat utk menggapai mardhotillah.
AeMcSketch said…
aku byk kali terasa begitu.
rasa mcm xde mood nk berblogging.
tp cayolah, kalau dah stop nnti ko akn rindu gk berblogging semula :)
nich said…
jangan la tinggal kan blog neyh macy.. huhuhu
ikhlas dari saya..
kenape sume orang nak pergi?
Unknown said…
waaaa. jangan la stop. kang nana bom rumah macy bia macy jadik mutant. hihihi
Anonymous said…
stop blogging? haha..
suka hati anda.
p/s= len kali jgn delete2 komen ye.. hipokrit je tahu. xnk trime teguran
Anonymous said…
bile plak dlte kumen.. blmbk kot kumen puan2 anonymous y tau cari sala org je tp pngcut na show off sape. anonymous tade tmpt kt cni.. sila blah~
Anonymous said…
aha.. bile delete komen?? sy ade post komen kat entry pasal fotogenik tuh.. mane2??
Anonymous said…
tambahan.... nk pakse tunjuk diri sape ke??
Linglung said…
xperlu la stop..berblog lah bila anda rasa ingin berblog..
Aujinz said…
kenape sume orang mo stop berblog?

nak stop gak aaa..
Anonymous said…
oh. anonymous kau ni. pandai cakap orang.hehe

truly i'm killing my time over here.
n i'm enjoying it.

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