another diary - abah


I'm not sure since when I've abandoned this blog. And yet struggling to clean up all the dirt I left here. And now I am pretty not sure since when I started to blog like writing diaries. I didn't meant to but time are running so fast till I am not capable of providing some good stuff to be shared with. As before I have more time to read and making research so that I can provide a good stuff to be read on.

I just called my abah. And oh tears did fall down my face. Why? cz i miss them. Okay, to be exact, he was stung by bees a few days ago. My mom did told me earlier but she said nothing to worry about. And just yesterday I was informed that he was actually stung not 2 times but 12 times. Again, 12 times. - I knew it by reading my sister's blog.

I really hate it cz its now Sunday night and I can do nothing. I can't skip my class on Monday and our Science Fair will be held this Wednesday so I still got few stuff that need to be settled.

What my sister shared remind me of the past. He told my sister that he was really worried if he passed away cz of the bee stung and she and our brother will not be able to see him for the last time, since they both are in overseas.

He did told me almost the same thing when I was in Form 4, the reason why he gave me an option to transfer school to our hometown. -
"abah takut kalau abah mati, ma dengan abg lon tak sempat jumpa abah, sebab ma jauh, dan mestilah abg lon yang akan ambil ma balik nanti..". 

At that time, he told me how much he regretted for sending me to a boarding school far away from home since the day he was diagnosed with heart disease, afraid of me not able to see him before he passed away. He said he thought that he was strong enough to visit me atleast once a month but that was before he knew the fact that he got heart problem.

When I was in Form 1, he was hospitalized cz of the problem and I wasn't informed by anyone with his excuse of not making me worry. He got sick several times in the same year and not telling me for the same reason. And now he was stung by bees and not telling me how bad it was. 

I know that most stings cause only minor medical problems but still some stings may cause serious medical problems and even death. It is so scary until I can't hold my tears. Plus my elder sister didn't answer my call. How come she'd fall asleep this early, especially when I need her the most.

Please pray for my abah, hoping that he will be fully recover soon. 

p/s : he did told me that he was in pain for only the first 6 hours, but 12 stung is still too much.


Anonymous said…
Hope evrthing will be fine!
Unknown said…
macy,semoga abah kamu baik-baik saja..


be strong,kawan.
Bidadari Syurga said…
sabar okey... kalau nangis tu tak boleh dibendung jgn tahan... sis bukan sengaja tanak angkat manalah tahu dia tak perasankan... semoga abah awak sihat hendaknya... sama-sama kita doa okey...

p/s: sebak....
Wawa Amran said…
Moga Abah Macy cpt sembuh.. Sama2 doakan... Be strong ya! =)
Unknown said…
semoga abah maCy cepat sihat.. amiiinnn.. =)
cik ciput said…
semoga abah kamu selamat..insyaAllah..we'll pray for him...

*i know that feeling very much..risau..
bnyk2 doa k macy.. dont worry too much.. insyaAllah tade pape yg x elok.. moga2 ayah macy cepat sembuh k.. ameen~ :)

p/s: hari ni speaking london sedunia ea macy? :)
monologtinism said…
doa.semoga ayah kamu cepat-cepat sembuh. semoga kuat dalam mengatasi rasa ini. doa mohonla kekuatan.
James Alexander said…
doa dan berharap untuk abah kamu sembuh...

itu saja yg mampu kamu lakukan...
caliph shuriken said…
smoga abah maCy cpat sembuh ^^
ghost said…
12 kali!gimana dia masih mampu survive..

well,diaminkan apa pun doa di sini untuk abah maCy..Dia akan terus hidup dan punya kesempatan untuk melihat anak-anak di sampingnya.
sahidzan said…
insyaallah...ayah kamu akan okey..
dreary dreamx said…
Aku tiada abah lagi , aku cemburu dengan kawan2 waktu sekolah . bila aku grate mak aku je datang , sedih tapi aku tetap bangga punyai dia cuma aku tak puas bermanja dengan nya. aduh.

moga abah kamu sihat sayang . aku doakan , sentiasa doakan .
Liyana Zahim said…
InsyaALLAH ur abah wil get well soon.. Together we pray 4 him ok.. Solat hajat mtk byk2 dgn DIA.. Non-toped every nite..
Banyak2 bersabar dan berdoa ya.Buat solat hajat selalu. Insha-Allah, abah Macy Allah akan sembuh.
beautiful_rose said…
teruskan doa...sesungguhnya DIA mendengar doa hambanya yang ikhlas.

macy,sokonglah abh kamu ye.hope sumenye akan baik2.
emieysandra said…
moge abah macy cpt baik~
HEROICzero said…
doa yg baik2 saja insyaAllah. Ameen.
moga abah hang cepat sembuh. dia kuat, kan.
Raji and Yeen said…
huhu memang menakutkan kalau cmtuh..
bila berjauhan sepanjang masa risau T.T inshaAllah sama2 kita berdoa kita ad peluang utk berbakti kepada ibu bapa amin
Unknown said…
huk aloh..susah ni..ehhee
lady-D said…
scary baca..byk2kan berdoa ye macy..InsyaAllah abah macy selamat..kuatkan semanagat taw..macy kuat kan
Liyana Zahim said…
May he get well soon.. Keep on prayin.. Payer may change tings.. InsyaALLAH he'l recover as usual..
plumpy.tootsie said…
doa yg baik baik sj syg.insyaAllah everything will be ok

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