Final SBE '11


I'm supposed to prepare for my next micro-teaching this Friday. My friend hit me real hard just a few moments ago because since I haven't prepare ANYTHING. ha ha. The schedule is too pack so I really shouldnt postpone any longer.

Back to the topic. Actually this cerita is a basi one but I still wanna share with you readers because it was my forth and last school based experience (SBE) and it was the greatest SBE among all. Next semester I gonna face practical phase already. Fuuuu~

It was great, seriously. There were 15 of us. I'm the only one from Malacca campus, and the others were from kampus Antarabangsa, Kota Bharu, Kuala Lipis, Cheras and Sultan Mizan. 

15 of us!

Big thanks to Mija, Nad, Elliey, Norus and Aina. Six of us were sOoo close so mostly we spent all the time together, even when we entered classes. 

Nad, Aina, Norus, Mija, Elliey, maCy

There were 15 of us but I felt like there were just 13 of us. But still everything was fine and fun. The other great thing besides friends was the school environment. Very good and committed teachers. Salute!

To all esp yg di atas ni, Aena, Nad, Norus, Elliey, Mija, Azami, Din, Azuwan and err sorry to the other 3 guys maCy tak tahu nama >.<"", miss you guys so much. Hope to see you next time. Good luck ;)

Okay, sambung buat kerja. Jangan rindu-rindu! ;)

Bulan 9 ni tersangat pack, doakan maCy tak demam ok!
Hey Intan Maisarah, imy :)


slmt hari raya Macy. moga dapat jadi guru yg baik.
HEROICzero said…
cikgu2 zaman sekarang ni boleh tahan juga .


penjajah minda said…
muka cikgu macy garang la.takot woo
monologtinism said…
ee macam bestnya. deal dengan budak sekolah rendah ni
jadi cikgu ya?

all da best=D
Mario said…
wah cikgu...patutla budak2 suka cikgu ganti kelas ek..bule main cicada..amende tuu?:)
Unknown said…
ak nk cikgu sorang
terokai seni said…
doa la, lepas ni kena anto kat bario plaaak...
PCL said…
Salam Syawal cikgu Macy...moga sihat n ceria selalu...
hanaahmad said…
selamat hari raya cikgu. :)
Bidadari Syurga said…
molek no teacher la ni... kalau akak dpt cikgu hensem dulukan...? mesti akak pandai... ngeh ngeh ngeh
Unknown said…
selamat siapkan preparation ya!!!

seronok dapat jin budak2..hihi

gud luck mnjadi seorang tenaga pengajar :-)
ishiko said…
eheee.. sy punya teaching micro pun xsiap ag..
da mggu ni sebok2 praktis kawad.. -.-'
Hello Hello said…
ILA HonEyBuNNy said…
all the best cikgu.....;-)
fiezah91 said…
ehehe.. cikgu macy cikgu macy.. hiksss..
TunTeja said…
waaaaa.ramainyee sekali sbe macy?? lepas ni praktikum pulak la kan?! :)
geeds said…
macam seronok je jadi pendidik ni? :)
adrinaqamarina said…
macy tak boleh sakit3~ sihat sihat selau okay~ :)
intan.maisarah said…
i miss you too
jga diri
sara juga bakal kembali bizi
ghost said…
syawal kan masih ada kesempatan untuk ucapkan selamat hari raya Macy,maaf zahir batin.

tak lama lagi nak jadi teacher kan...good luck,macy.
Anonymous said…
ada jugak dari maktab kuala lipisss.
tenpat chemay tuhh
NasQ said…
ada yang masih single lagi tak tu? huhu...
teha said…
mcm bestt jee jadik cg.. hehe
selamat menjunjung amanah Cikgu :)
SangKunang said…
cikgu SBE... sy kenal guru pelatih dalam gamab tu.. ismail, wan azami, imran
si para para said…
semoga maCy tak demam.amin..

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