spread love, not hate



p/s : life is so hectic. i need time to blog. to read. to hang out. to work less.


intan.maisarah said…
kita tak mampu memuaskan hati semua orang sayang
jaya jr said…
sesuai ngn bulan Ramadhan..hihi
Si gadis bunga said…
what makes your life so hectic dear?

smile. you can get through everything I hope. busy times come to enhance the value of space.
so that we'll appreciate 'space' and 'time' more.

smile again :)
James Alexander said…
think twice before you ever say something...

make time just for yourself. A holiday is recommended.
hanya kerana lidah, bnyk org yg dikurangkan pahala masa akhirat nt.. isk~
penjajah minda said…
susah nak puaskan hati semua orang.senyum2
ch!natsu said…
y dear? apapun take care k..
monologtinism said…
'I'm panah arjuna
I spread the love~~'

er. tersesat hlovate sikit ^^,
Liyana Zahim said…
Hi macy.. Long time didnt in touch~ Missed u here..
anisumbrella said…
life is so hectic ~ agreed dear
pamper urself then . take a break with kit kat~ kehkehkeh..
cik ciput said…
kata2 yg menyinggung perasaan org bisa menghasilkan dosa buat kita
ILA HonEyBuNNy said…
ya..kata2 tu kadang2 boleh membutakan hati orang lain terasa....;-)

to work less tu suka...hehe...;-)
xsape boleh puaskan hati sume org..even hati sndri pun kite xleh nk puaskan..ye dak??

senyum..xperlu kata apa2..

tp, mana kita boleh ubah, kite ubah..kl org xselesa dgn cara kita..

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