

Yesterday I was ME. Today I am ME. Can't you see the difference?

p/s : Thanks to Intan Maisarah for her raya card, and that note :)
And thanks to you too for the BIG green raya card, with no name. Sweet ^^


Padin said…
aiyyoo nape separuh je tu maCy hehee
Amirah Rashid said…
wah wah. ade secret admirer la dye ;D

selamat hari raya! :D
penjajah minda said…
wah best la dapat kad raya..
monologtinism said…
yesterday she was her
today she is still her
but same no longer
Unknown said…
ada beza..mata engko makin besor
- elina - said…
bak alamat.

nk pos kad raya.

intan.maisarah said…
sama sama, :)
sampai pun
risau tak sampai
waalaikumsalam... hehe
cik ciput said…
uuuu..secret admirer =)
Aujinz said…
owh.. siapakah punya kad raya tanpa nama itu???
shahjiehan said…
salam ziarah.. lama x jenguk blog ni...

mai la tgk blog baru saya!

ehem. nk kad raya jugak boleh???
adrinaqamarina said…
kad raya tanda ingatan selalu. cewah. heheeh.

hye macy :)
Bidadari Syurga said…
yesterday is history... today is new one... heeeeeeeeeee...
JBA said…
i like urs too..(:
hackshitam said…
nk jugakk..heee

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