quote #love hate


"I don't have time to hate people who hate me because I am busy loving people who love me."

p/s : not in such a stable emotion. err, not because being hate by anyone. this quote is specially dedicated to my sweetheart Syafiqah Amirah. ;)

p/s ii : sara, dakcomot, fay, iema, zaizax, rin~ err you guys still my sweet lolypop too. miss ya! :)


GR said…
membenci orang adalah amalan yang tidak bagus, hehe
cik ciput said…
and i love myself more than anybody because i know nobody can't love me the way i love myself..ekeke..<--cilok mane tah ayat ni..
PenjuruKosong said…
untuk apa hidup membenci..
James Alexander said…
that's the important thing than anything else...
lady-D said…
xde ms la nk benci2 ni kan macy..byk benda lain lg nak buat
en_me said…
x stable kanns.. uhuhu
Si gadis bunga said…
i love you.
ececece :)

as cliche as it may sound, but life is too short for hatred

again...i love youuuu :)
Unknown said…
salu ko tak stabil kan
ehem~ post khas buat bakal adik ipar ea? hihihi..

thanks macy cyg! u r my paddle pop! eh? :D
ghost said…

dengan apa yang kau cintai.
jaya jr said…
esok nk benci player singapura..hahaha
sahidzan said…
"I don't have time to hate people who hate me because I am busy loving people who love me."- dgn suara garang pada penyokong arsenal.
SukaHatiAkulah said…
yeah..so do i...:)
just dont have time to hate people. but sure they have time to hate me.. LOL..:)
kalau kite sayang orang, orang tu akan sayang kite balik..
what if,
bile kite benci dy, dy benci kite balik..then, berlaku la perang..pastu jadi group benci membenci..WTF! (what the fun..)hahaxxxxx....
Un Phat Lee said…
apsal taching2 ni weyh?
Raji and Yeen said…
i lloiikeee...stuju owh :D
perasaan benci buat kepala den stress
tak sempurna iman kita andai membenci saudara kita yg lain

Ramadhan Mubarak :)
si para para said…
benci memakan diri sendiri...
"Ikatan iman yg paling kuat ialah kasih sayang kerana Allah dan marah kerana Allah." lebih kurang begitulah maksud sebuah hadis.

jadi, jika ingin membenci jgn dibenci peribadi org tersebut tapi bencilah sikap dan perbuatannya yg menyanggahi tuntutan agama. Dalam masa yg sama doakan akan ia kembali ke jalan Tuhan.
belogkiter said…
I hope i can do that.
WuMing said…
Betul tu.. buat apa buang masa fikir tentang orang macam itu... betul tak?
Anonymous said…
patut buad taktau je dekat orang yang tak suka kita tu
Miss Kira said…
ala..napa delete post tu??
nk baca..

btw.. Salam ramdhan macy.. :D
monologtinism said…
yes! me either =)
i'm too busy with such lovely lovable lovers in my life.

don't hate. just ignore and pray for them.
wena pon suka quote nie :)
i don't have time to loving people who love me because i'm single...ehhh???????

slmt bpuasa macy

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