words kill. think before you speak

Yesterday i texted my ex, asking if he's okay. To make it clear, a few days ago he texted me asking for my opinion about his girlfriend act. He explained the situation and ask if if I would do the same too. - The answer is i won't cz I think what had happened was just a very simple matter.

And yesterday I received a message from my summer which made me feel better. Since I thought that my situation was almost the same like what had happened to him before, I would love to suggest him to say the same thing to his girlfriend so she would feel better like I did.

Everything was okay until he said something that make me feel insulted - that thing was nothing to do with his case. I didn't argue that much and finally he said, 'boleh tak bezakan joke dgn serious?'. His responses were always like he really meant of saying of those things at the beginning but after I said several stuff he suddenly said he was just joking.

So the thing I wanna say is, words kill. Think before you speak. I am not being busybody, just concern. As I am actually a very caring person, when someone complain something to me, I'll always ask him or her back if he or she is already okay. Like last time my friend told me he was hospitalized, I called or texted him everyday until he the day he was discharged. I just couldn't help myself. 

I am no fun, cool or anything but atleast I always try to be helpful to the others. As in this case, I'm just being concern. Yes, he is my ex, but he was my bestfriend before. He did broke my heart, leaving a loyal me for another girl, just because we were separated by distance and he got closer to the girl during a camp. But he's my friend still. I am actually not suppose to spill everything here, but you just can't imagine how disappointed I feel. 

Just remember, if you say something nice, you can brighten the whole day but if you say something rude or stupid, the words will just ruin it.

p/s : i love sandwiches.yummy.


Hidayati Farhan said…
macy, i can feel u. n i know, awk adalah seorang wanita yg tabah. so keep it up. awk sgt baik, dia yg x tahu menilai awk. x rugi kehilangan dia coz u'll find someone better :))
Miss Kira said…
yup..words kills regardless of the situation..
intan.maisarah said…
lidah itu ibarat pedang
hirisannya mungkin membawa maut.
James Alexander said…
yeah... agree...

but just so you know, helping others also have a limit... and you yourself should know better what you are getting into.
Unknown said…
suke2 !! like2 !!

like your attitude.. walau da ex masih kawan.. masih terima dye walaupun sudah pelbagai yg anda hadapi.. that what we call matured..
penjajah minda said…
akau takkan berkawan dengan ex aku.tue aku la.tapi aku sokong kenyataan kau.lidah itu tajam.
Wawa Amran said…
Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.. It hurts a lot.. =)
Bidadari Syurga said…
still berkomunikasi dengan x...? thank god.. kalau dah atitude dia mcm tu... 'angkat kaki' jgn buang masa dengan org yg tak reti hargai kawan ok... hurmmm
monologtinism said…
once u speak even a word it can not be undone.
Liyana Zahim said…
Its not tat easy to forget some1 who u realy meant to b wif.. But dearly, it's a big waste to hurt urself by keep on listenin to his matters.. Even 4 u he is ur best fren but does it gve u pleasure to do those unecesary tings?

Life is short dun misuse it.. U ought to know tat der is a limitation in givin up smtg to sme1..

Let him go.. Let he do his own business.. U were not born to please him..
cik ciput said…
ada juga sesetengah orang yang x ambil peduli perasaan orang lain bila bercakap tentang sesuatu..damn, this reminds me of one of my colleague..kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut dia, lebih tajam dari pedang light saber kot..fuh..hurt me several times already..

kau, terus tabah ok!
lidah adakalanya lebih tajam dari mata pedang. ia mmebunuh perasan dan hati nurani secara perlahan
lelaki mmg mcm 2... can i just say that? huuuu~ mulut mcm lain, hati macam lain.. kdg xtaw ape yg diorang cuba maksudkan... even org salu kate hati pompuan lagi susah nak paham, i just doubt it.. hati laki laaaaggggiiiii susah nak paham.. huuu~
PenjuruKosong said…
bila joke dijadikan serius
bila serius dijadikan joke

i hate this situation..
Si gadis bunga said…
1) " kata-kata ibarat pedang yg tajamnya bisa membunuh lawan
kata-kata yang berhikmah menyedarkan kita "
i coulndt remember what title of this song, but I guessed it's one of inteam or UNIC or whatever nasyid groups' songs.

2) people said if we want to handle break up,' Let Go'. let go all the feeling you had for him, and hate him not because that is virtue. Macy you are so kindhearted person, what you did was just-so appropriate. you may lose your bf, but that doesn't mean you have to lose your friend.
i support you dear! :)

3) lelaki itu mmg tidak tahu menghargai. enough said. malas elaborate panjang-panjang.
cikmemy said…
well, we r in the same boat,,,,

cadangan aku, next time,,tak yah la concern sangat kat orang cam tu...sebab dia x hargai ape yang kte buat pon sebenarnye,..
NAZ said…
bukan senang untuk jujur :)
emieysandra said…
buat baik pun kne hti2 skg ;)
ghost said…
ada masa kita terlupa saat sudah menuturkannya..taNPA terfikir kesannya kita berfikir seolah kita lebih baik dari orang lain..

aku suka dengan quote dalam kotak tuh..
lelaki, selalu macam tu.

leaving us wide eyed and confused,,

sandwiches? yeaah.
belogkiter said…
words.... memang sangat tajam... ia boleh memberikan kehidupan baru mahupun membunuh hati dan perasaan orang lain... hati hati
lady-D said…
fikir sblm berkata-kata..tp kalau kite serius tp rupanya joking je mmg rs cam nak grrrr je kan tp atleast kite jujur bg pndpt..nt kau dah serius kita wat main2 pulak bru pdn muka..haha
Raji and Yeen said…
terlajak kata macam kita terlajak pedang ke hati org x.x
plumpy.tootsie said…
apa org tua-tua kate?

tlajak perahu boleh diundur,terlajak kata,bdan binasa.

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