today and tomorrow


"We're just given today and never promised tomorrow."

p/s : so do appreciate what you got now, today, now.


Duniakuabstrak said…

aku selalu sia-siakan hari aku
Unknown said…
must appreciate it..
eh, lama lah tak masuk blog akak.. :)
Daddylicious said…
kalau terlupa itu maknanya ...apa?

p ramlee ada jawapannya...hehe!
James Alexander said…
let the regrets of today become a meaningful lesson and lets just hope that tomorrow will be full with happiness...
cimöt said…
ohhh dear macy..lame giler tak lepak cer??
econpolics said…
hadoii aku byk menghabeskan masa dgn pes11
Amiey White said…
hari ini . hari ini . hari ini
Lan Bingka said…
kita hanya mampu merancang..
nice , betul ~ today is today .
Unknown said…
ahaha..nampak cam blog yang kat sane tu le
hari ni pun sudah cukup bagus..gua belum pk besok
just don't regret for what happens
jaya jr said…
today must be better than yesterday =)
Anonymous said…
bersyukur dengan apa yang allah bagi untuk hari ini
d man who decided to change on twelfth hour, dies on eleventh.. so, prepared well before eleventh.. :)
d man who decided to change on twelfth hour, dies on eleventh.. so, prepared well before eleventh.. :)

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