past and present


You can't force yourself to forget something because the only reason why we forget is when a better memory has taken its place.

..and a better memory has taken its place.

   One of above, 
thanks for creating a better memory. ily~

p/s : my intuition says, it gonna be a good day~


Unknown said…
haha. tau dah sape! ;p
Anonymous said…
of course you know him ^^
Unknown said…
ugh sush nak lupe. btw have a happy sunday :)
hemoih2~~ kemain lagi ea die.... :P
Liyana Zahim said…
Memories fill head, mind and soul.. It wud not be fadin away.. Cewahhh.. Hikhikhihk..
HEROICzero said…
ooooooooooooooooooooo patut lah !
~Kenanga Suchi~ said…
hey macy! salam kenal :)
Padin said…
kita takkan dapat lupa sejarah kita, mungkin ade tersorok di dalam mana2 folder yang usang dalam memori, tapi takkan terpadam
NAZ said…
i tak tahu siapa. macam mana ni? haha
Lan Bingka said…
thanks pemandu bas..;p
beautiful_rose said…
alamak tak berapa nak clear lah....mata rabun huhuhuhu
wena suka quotation tu macy :)
Mr. Asada said…
siapa ea? lalalala~

saje nak tanya gak. hahaha..
Unknown said…
lets create a better memory..hehehe
plumpy.tootsie said…
sayang,i'm back :)

gonna write a lot of thing.pain and sweet.anything would do.

ily :) tahu xmsuk dgn nk jgk komen!haha
Anonymous said…
salam cik macy~~~

i'm actually speechless. cuz u r absolutely right...

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