what she said, and the truth hiding behind them


-this is a story of a girl name camelia-

She said she love to see your face.
She said its worth to have you around.
She said she could see paradise by just looking into your eyes.
She said she is totally in love with you.
She said that you are her everything.

The truth is, she just love you cz you are good looking.
The truth is, she is just proud to show off to her peers.
The truth is, i know the truth that she flirt with another guy at that time.
The truth is, the guy she is flirting with is my very dear friend.

p/s : damn hungry at the moment. and, not getting my nite wish again. tetido eh? :)


Si gadis bunga said…
and i'll say to camelia: ' u are a bitch',
and i'll say to "you(camelia's)" : ' u are so stupid dumbass'.

Unknown said…
got no word.. i dun u'std girl entirely.. :)
Aida Azryn said…
hungry?de biskut merry ni~ nak x?:P
ni true story ke yunk? huhuhu

sy baru lpas makan nasik..
tp,rasa macam nak muntah balik.. wuwuuu~
hentakbelipat said…
pehh mcm2 hal ye dak..
aien said…
flirting girl? auch.. taksuke! hee
Mario said…
sapa camelia tu?
AngahSayang2314 said…
lam macam tue pun bole ke???
Unknown said…
sangat mendalam itu~ exam cmne macy? hope u'l do fine.

Mari menjadi manusia

Latest Post : Kita Tidak Hipokrit!
uish,, that girl must be complicated.. haha.
plumpy.tootsie said…
camelia itu sungguh murah.
Rina Rossoneri said…
hmm lepas tu menyusahkan kita bila kwn lelaki kita tu pulak suka dia.. pastu bila dorg dah couple,minah tu mesti hasut kwn lelaki kita tuh, jgn rapat dgn kita...lelaki tu pun serba salah, dan wujud segala masalah yang blablablaaaa
Lan Bingka said…
ala la.. dia sibuk study tu..;p
CIK TOM said…
camelia..dikau memburukkan imej wanita!
Hidayati Farhan said…
ooohhh, saya ada pengalaman ini. deeply hurt.

exactly like this.

dia claim dia kwn rpt dgn my bf

dia kwn dgn saya pulak

sy kwn dgn bf dia

she stabbed me from behind

bf dia x tahu

i bgtahu bf dia


mmg drama air mata T___T
.:: dieylah :: said…
ish3...manusia2..npela cmtu...

kamek ngah lapa skrg..huk3..

jom ayam penyet... ^_^
LadyBird said…
jaat tulla kamelia tu..
aLya maNip said…
mcam2 hal dak nie..
Un Phat Lee said…
macam itu kah? emm...
Teja Evalea said…
gugusan hari-hari,,
tenang bersamamu,,, erkkk
Jelly Beku said…
noks pon dah lapaq hahahah

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