deleted entry


i just post an entry 5 minutes ago,
it was something true deep from my heart,
but just deleted it,
as i tried not to make this blog too personal..

wanna see it?
no you don't need it,
i just keep that as my draft here,
just pray that i'm all okay..

p/s : hey hey hey! ~distracting myself.


aik? yg macy kasi link kat ym tadi ke? x sempat bace.. sibuk wat take home test.. huhuhu
zai said…
how come, i termiss entry tu
platipus said…
aku tahu kau pndai jaga diri
aLya maNip said…
take care maCy...tamo sedey2 taw.. :-)
elmo gemok said…
demmit. tak sempat baca. len kali gitau dulu baru delete. eheh.
delete la entry apapun jgn delete wa dr hidup lu..
kenapa nie syg???
come share with me...
Anonymous said…
takpe.lupekan der :)
Anonymous said…
hik3.. xpe sok byk lagi entri ;p
Anonymous said…
tc of her k hiro :)
Anonymous said…
haii platipus! ;D
Anonymous said…
sure dear. thx :)
Anonymous said…
ok dun wori ;D
Anonymous said…
im all ok. jz need some rest :)
Anonymous said…
@jAck ALvin buKAn suPErpoRnstAR
delete alvin? cant be done ;D
Anonymous said…
@Rowena Chasez
stress skt je yunk :)
Lan Bingka said…
hidup mesti diteruskan..
.:: dieylah :: said…
org sini cakp... o tedah...sabar jak k..hihi...macy kuat nyer... ^_^
hye macy day parade

smoga kau baik2 je
salam, ala zaty tak dpat baca. nak baca >.<
Anonymous said…
@Lan Bingka
betul3! :)
emieysandra said…
nape ni dik?
emm..kalau something personal,
cari la org yg leh dipercayai n mampu bg nasihat yg berguna..

jgn sedih2 okey..:D

Anonymous said…
@.:: dieylah ::
syahiralanlunx said… nk bejinak jinak dgn blog anda..
Anonymous said…
erk. abg, maCy sangat segan ok.. huu
syahiralanlunx said…
its ok..juz keep it up..sume org pon segan..hehe
cikpia said…
aku tatau apa kes, apa cer.... tapi aku tau nak kata BE STRONG DEAR.....
Anonymous said…
hihi. baeklah! glad ur coming :)
Anonymous said…
im strong cz i ate nasik 3 pinggan evryday.. keke
CIK TOM said…
nape delete???nak baca..huhu
Anonymous said…
tapi sejarah tak mungkin berulang <--motif!
Anonymous said…
@Tomato Gurl's Life
tak boleh! hihi
Mr. Asada said…
oke tak ni makcik???
Mr. Asada said…
nak lagi tanya.. oke tak ni?

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