tag no bape dah ni? versi upload2 pulak~

Salam Semua~

Puas sudah menatap wajah kacak Awal semalam? Saje tak upload pic Fahrin Ahmad, takut Awek Fahrin datang attack maCy pulak.. hehe

Ok-ok, MaCy tengah duk kira-kira hutang ni. Bukan hutang duet, hutAng tag sama Alya dan nisa..

Rule dia macam ni :

1. go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder

ok dah select, shaks photo folder -skola dulu-

2. select the 8th photo from the folder

alamak! seriously eight photo cannot be uploaded. aishh..

very private + rahasia one.. huk3
so maCy alter sikit, maCy pick the one before and after that photo ok?
mintak halal alya.. wUu

Here they are~

pic kanan
sue, ain, mice, maCy, ca-ie

pic kiri
ain, sai, mice, sue, maCy

3. post along with the story behind it

Both pic ini time zaman muda-mudi dulu, zaman f5..
20-17, 3 tahun suda~
Satu kelas after subuh, tu yang muke macam tu..
Another one after kelas bio..
Relax semacam bagai muke taknak ambik spm je kan? huhu

4. then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same

Ok, here i gona pick :

1. nasikputeh
2. kyuubi_85
3. Syahrul Iman
4. Mashimaro
5. Nourul
6. Ayie
7. Chaie
8. Juan

Disebabkan kecelaruan yang berlaku, maCy nak buat rules baru untuk next tag..

Rule No 2 : pick both the right and the left photo of your eight photo from that folder

Suka-suka hati je kan? haha

Alya > maCy > ? (selamat ber-tag :D )

p/ s : thinking of activating my Facebook again.. what do you say?


anayilz said…

owh,da deactivated..ptut da xde kt sblh..hee~
sme la kte..ftn pn da deactivated jgk...hidup lbih tenang tnpa fb! 4me la..up 2 u...=)
abigemok said…
ni dah jadi kes dera ni. haha. nanti aku ada masa nak buat aku buat ek? actually folder gambar aku tu berselerak, tak tau dimana letaknya. huhu
... said…
tingt zmn prep dulu tgk gamba cik macy neh
mizz nuni said…
baru nak elak dr wat tag ni sbb da pnh wat...
tapi disbbkn maCy da tmbh rule baru..
kene gak la wat..
hehehee..nnt de mase nourul wat k..
thnks sudi men'tag' saya..^_^..
tot tot kecik said…

hik hik zmn mude2 ye..?

ac2lly da cnfuse mana stu cik macy sbnrnye..huhu..
alyachan said…
private lak 8th photo
gmbr cpe ehhhhhhhhhh???
bulatkocik said…
br ari nie dpt tgk macy di dunia nyata..slalu nmpk mata jer..hek3..
BeMiE said…
Laaa... kene tag yg samer ker... kekeke
Mr. Asada said…
muka suci bersih seyh time f5.. kakaka..

dak rajin ni, snubuh2 dah g kelas.. keke :P
AeMcSketch said…
fewiittt...kne tag pule... ahahaha~
Anonymous said…
oiyt asada, na kate maCy muke pnoh jerawat pe skg?? kikh3

kontroversi btl mamat ni~ huhu
Mr. Asada said…
hahahaha.. macy dah terperasan muka penuh jerawat.

laa.. skrg ni kan dh kedut2. <-- over lg, bukan takat jerawat je. lalala~

[sila jgn marah]
darkbatman said…
comelnye muke korang..umur bper ne?cam mude jer?
zai said…
akhirnya macy tlah menunjakkan muka nyaa
bspotgurl said…
comel comel picture korang ni ah
comel gambar...zaman skolah dulu memang byk kenangan kan....

sy still belajar lagi....
Anonymous said…
salam.syg,nk ym.huhu.^^ ~anayilz~
teringat dulu kena rotan ngan guru disiplin..

AeMcSketch said…
dah siap http://aie89.blogspot.com/2010/04/macy-tag-aku-weh.html

ParkAir said…
wah rajinnye jawab tag, aku xpenah sekali pun balas tag orang haha.
Zikri Husaini said…
erm nasib baik tak dilistkan...sebabnya bukan pernah komen pun sebelum nie..ngeh2..
bspotgurl said…
ting tong.. saye datang melawat tuan rumah.
Teja Evalea said…
ohooo.. seb bek xkena hahah
Teja Evalea said…
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Teja Evalea said…
sori wat titik2 2,, nak test btol ke x top commentor anda tu hehe...
Anonymous said…
bende alah tu taj update terus lah~
Teja Evalea said…
mn la ak tao,, ni asal chat box ko??
rosak ke?? ssh la nk type mende2
Anonymous said…
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