Reminiscing. Hurting. Crying.

Year ago..
I could feel him inside of me
I could see him wherever I go
My inbox was always full with his name
My heart beat fast whenever I received his call
My life was always wonderful whenever he crossed my mind

I still can feel him inside of me
I still can see him wherever I go
And my inbox is still full with his name
My heart will never again beat fast..
cz I will never again receive his call
And my life will never be wonderful again
No matter how many time he cross my mind

Why? Why is that?
Thinking of him will only make me cry
Cz he is no longer exist in this world
but only in my heart..

how would you feel if THE ONE leave you alone to a world where he will never able to come back?

p/s : baru sampai rumah.. perjalanan yang panjang, hati yang penat~


tot tot kecik said…

sambungan dr entri tot ek..??tp version english
hik hik hik..

nice words la macy..mane amek..?hihihi saje wt jeles..

each man will leave this world..we just do not know when that time comes

sila abai jika english tot tunggang terbalik.. :)
Anonymous said…
dia pergi buat selamanya..

ke alam yg kita akan pergi juga nanti..

buat sndri lah.. curik apenye~
nanad said…
huuu...entry yg sgt touching...nice, thumbs up* :)
Buai Laju-Laju said…
english mmg power la..salute!
Anonymous said…
adeh.. bkn suro tgk y tu..

p/s : reply versi pnt..sori sme
Mr. Asada said…

adeh. ade plak mereply versi penat yoh..

usah di kenang, kalau di kenang merana diri. bila di kenang perut x kenyang, bila x kenyang jalan x senang, bila x senang kang kamu yang melayang. hehe :P

yg pergi tetap pergi. "izinkan" pemergiannya.. berilah "sokongan" kamu bersama pemergiannya..
BeMiE said…
cam lagu mengennangmu keris patih
bspotgurl said…
How could this happend to you Macy? And how could he?! Lets cheer up babe!
terokai seni said…
owh.. i am sorry late twenty five minute
nich said…
sedey .. huhuhu
sungguh touching lah..

saya sayang sangat mak ayah saya..
tibe2.. hehehe
Anonymous said…

big hug my fren

surayasafie said…
kalo sy dlm situasi ditinggalkn cmni sure sy xhenti2 menangis! especially parents la..kalo bf.......mmmm...dipertimbangkan...:)
B L O G D E T said…
banyak2 kan bersabar macy ya..
semua yang berlaku ada hikmah disebalik tu.. be fab! positive fun always ;D
MiYOKO SuKi said…
sgt2 touching...

be stong ye, macy.. :)
be happy always...
n SMILE :)
Anonymous said…
sedang rasa begitu.....................................................................................................................................................................................
L.O.V.E said…
sbar bebyk yea macy.....huhuhu.stiap yg idop pst akn mati..2 jnji ALLAH....
nice la macy this n3..huhuhu

i loikee...

i'm still received his call..
tp rsa tu da xsama teruja cm dlu lg da
Syahrul Iman said…
be strong ye macy

..hidup mesti diteruskan walaupun pelbagai dugaan yang menimpa..setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya..
Anonymous said…
sadis poem ni. hurm.

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