Premenstrual Syndrome and Menstrual Pain


Dah lama maCy tak share info especially science info kan? Untuk tidak menjadikan blog ini terus dahagakan ilmu serta menjadi lokasi maCy terus-menerus merepek, so this time maCy nak share about
menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome or PMS.
~Most of the info will be shared in English because there are few terms which might make my face turn red if it is said in Malay..

maCy, anda cikgu Sains jangan terus begini..>.<"

First of all, all we have to know is PMS is different from menstrual pain.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Many women have to deal with PMS, cramps or headache especially when they are in their teens. PMS is the term for the physical and emotional symptoms that many of them right before their periods begin each month.

They might experiences :
  • acne
  • bloating
  • fatigue
  • backaches
  • sore breasts
  • headaches
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • food cravings
  • depression or feeling blue
  • irritability
  • difficulty concentrating
  • difficulty handling stress

Usually the symptoms begin and worst a week or two before the menstrual starts and will usually disappear when the menstrual starts.
From what I have read, there is no exact factor for PMS. However, from what I have learn for this 20 years, it is linked to the changing of hormone level.

Sakit ni.. jangan kaco..

Menstrual Pain

I hate menstrual pain. Menstrual periods can be light and easy for some teens and young women but for others, they can be a burden when accompanied by painful cramps. Cramps can be a BIG reason why girls are absent from classes, why they may say no for a movie with their friends and why they even avoid a date with my their boyfriend.

The medical term for menstrual pain is dysmenorrhea.

Primary dysmenorrhea : Cramps (pain in the lower belly area and/or lower back) can start 1-2 days before your period comes and can last 2-4 days.

Secondary dysmenorrhea : When cramps and, for some, lower back pain are a result of a medical problem such as pelvic inflammatory disease.

Menstrual cramps?
It is common among Malaysian woman to suffer menstrual cramps (or dalam bahasa ibundanya "senggugut")
Menstrual cramps are caused by uterine contractions.

Other Symptom a Women May Have :
  • Nausea (feeling like you want to throw up)
  • Vomiting (throwing up)
  • Loose bowel movements/diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Bloating in your belly area
  • Headaches
  • Lightheadedness (feeling faint)

Ways to Release PMS and Menstrual Pains
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Prevent of taking processed foods like chips
  • Reduce salt intake (helps to retain water in the body)
  • Drink more water
  • Say no to caffeine and cold drinks
  • Avoid tea, watermelon, pineapple, etc (it can increase the pain)
  • heating pad placed on your abdomen (lower belly) ~ohh i like this one
  • take chocolate + hot stuff = HOt chocolate ~the one i love most :D

I really do not suggest any to take painkiller..

Actually, i got the idea to share about girl's stuff after reading this post : ini blog sugar2 kapas strawberry :: pmpn merokok???
macam tak ada kena mengena kan? tapi tak apalah.. hehe

p/s : kesian kawan2 maCy kena angkat barang berat tadi. perempuan mana boleh
angkat barang berat2. bahaya utk rahim.. susah jugak takde laki ni..


tot tot kecik said…
waah info yg agk brani di situ..
slalunye kte malu nk bncg2 sal ni..
so, kpd lelaki bolehla korunk fhm2 isteri korunk nnt..
ehehe trus fhm isteri..wee~~
huhu..yeah bila dtg bulan mmg sakit.. nk buat cmner kn??
sy ni kuat mkn b4 dtg bulan.. ;))
Anonymous said…
aku suke PMS

buleh cuti

tp siksa dowh
aku stiap bukan slalu kena

darkbatman said…
hahaha..hampeh..xleh blah.menstral yer? mesti tension kan kene pms?
zai said…
entry pls PMS? mmg thumbs up!!
ai selalu makan pil chit-kit teck aun..haha dulu takot nk mkn obat ne, tp sekali try mmg boleh hilangkan tiap2 kali sakit ,mesti zai cari ne..
my frens siap pengsan2 lagi taw
Bb Hussain said…
time pms tu boleh handle lg masa menstrual pain..adoii tak selalunya minum air suam je..baru la nak lega sikit..
B L O G D E T said…
macam mane kalo atlet angkat berat wanita palk?huhu ;d
Buai Laju-Laju said…
hurm..nice info..berani disitu untuk berkongsi...eerm..

nk2 lelaki mcm sy mmg xtahu ape2..kakak sorg je..segan lak nk tnye..adik ppuan mmg xde..5laki 1 ppuan...tendency nk thu mmg xde la..

mgkin kne amik thu googling sndri ataupun tgu ade isteri la nnt..

ape yg sy thu..tiap org PMS berbeza..ade yg amik pnadol pink..

ade 1 artikel lak da lupe mane sumber..die cite sorg pramugari ni mati sbb tiap kalo PMS die amik panadol..kesan panadol la die bg thu..2thn baru hilang dlm bdn dari kesan toksid panadol...

dari itu..secara xlgsung sy yg laki pn xamik panadol da..panadol bese k? bkn pink..hehe...

nice info mac.
sitinorafatien said…
saya la 2 yg angkt brng bert. ngn azira..24 kg..dri anjuung tdbir ke stor sukan..bert giler...nsb baik tqah n tngku tolng dkt jalan ke stor..hu3..thnx tqah n tengku
scya lollita said…
x ske law sket pwot mlmpau uh~
sngugut ~
Buai Laju-Laju said…
ramai ppuan yg komen disini...blh sy nk thu..share la ilmu skit..

pasal senggugut sy kosong la..
xthu ape...
hentakbelipat said…
kesan2 sampingan di adalah panas hati yang tak memasal..heheheh
Mr. Asada said…

sengal giler banner kat atas tu. aku terasa plak..

mkn coklat leh kurangkan PMS gak rupenya.. hahaha..

bgus la entry ni..

tapi kan, nk tya gak.. laki ade x yg kena PMS? hahaha..
morsmode said…
tiba tiba lately aku kena menstrual pain.


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