I Miss You

Today I cried like a baby

Cried cz of a video..

I once watched it before

And I cried..

Today I watched it again

And I cried even more..

Dear prophet

I miss you so much..

Watch The Video Here

Coretan Editor : watching it again at my friends FB, Madihah Nasruddin, after being told by my bestie, Nasyrul Syahmi


nasyrul syahmi said…
sedih kan? na nanges mie tgk video tu.. mcm miss sumone yg teramat sgt2.. alfatihah
Malek Ku said…
Im alredy click yours...click my magic button too..huhu
Anonymous said…
mie : tu la pasal.. sedih sgt.. huhu
malek : tamo.. hihihi
aNoZ said…
nice one. i like~
Anonymous said…
anoz : thx :D

ieeko : betul2 :)

malek ku: sudah2.. huhu
Anonymous said…
oh. aku di penamat. mungkin bukan pemula entri. tapi di sini aku berhenti.

salam perkenalan.
Anonymous said…
http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/4xaxcO/www.mapsofwar.com/images/EMPIRE17.swf/r:f ini maps of war. sekadar sharing.

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